There’s a special place in Heaven
(‘cept it doesn’t quite exist)
For the special, special people
Like the first I ever kissed
Or the ones who always volunteer
For nasty, smelly work,
Or who yield the proper right-of-way
And not just be a jerk
There’s a special place for people
Who repair the power wires
(So that blogger poets now can post
Instead of tending fires)
But the finest place in Heaven,
If you’d like to take a look,
Is reserved for all the people
Who decide to buy my book.
Ha! Didn’t quite expect that ending, did you? This is just a little reminder—the turnaround time was really fast when I ordered mine, so my guess is there is still time before cephalopodmas to order them to tuck into stockings, g-strings, and the like. Or, if you prefer, just put it on your list, so that somebody who loves you very much can express her or his love in the way that only a paperback volume of rather odd verse can. And remember—if you buy it with your Solstice gift money, you will have the Evolutionary Biology Valentine’s Day Poem in your hot little hands in plenty of time to be ready to serenade that special someone who cuts quite a striking figure in a white lab coat.
Gave two copies away - yule for a coworker (I won't be here on yule) and birthday for my father - neither had heard of you and both now love you.
See? Evidence!
If there is no special place in Heaven for The Ridger, then I submit that there is no Heaven at all!
Certainly no Heaven anybody would want to visit!
I've ordered but not yet received. Not sure what the turnaround time ought to be. Should I check?
#1 Dinosaur--
My order took one week and one day. They say it will take longer on Lulu; when did you order?
If you have been waiting for 2 weeks, let me know and I'll send you one of mine. Signed. But you have to send me your unsigned one when it shows up...
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